Environmental Engineering

Application of geophysics to enhance subsurface information for contamination, hydrogeological, and archeological investigations.

Case Studies Our Methods

Structural Investigations

Subsurface investigations of structural materials using applied physics methods - including potential, seismic and elctromagnetic methods.

Case Studies Our Methods

GBG leads the Australian Geophysical Engineering sector, priding itself in the research and development space. GBG will always push forward with innovation.

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With over 1000 projects completed, our project highlights are diverse and detailed. Click below to find an example for almost every project concern you have.

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GBG understands every project and client is unique. The team works with the client in understanding their needs, providing detailed scientific solutions.

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Tailored Geophysical Solutions

Through the process of consultation and pre-project planning, GBG Group can tailor a geophysical investigation to provide optimal structural or subsurface information, adding value to any geotechnical, engineering or remediation project.


Your Local Team

Our team of experts are experienced in both field data collection as well as data processing and interpretation. Each has specialties and relevant qualifications and 4WDing skills for whatever the project requires.

Simon Williams
Andrew Spyrou
Principal Geophysicist – Sydney Office
Taylor Willick
Operations Manager (East Coast)
Senior Geophysicist
Peter Eccleston
Principal Geophysicist – Perth Office
Baqir Al Asadi
Operations Manager (West Coast)
Senior Geophysicist
David Fleming
Senior Forensic & Structural Investigation Engineer
Oscar Leon
Chief Remote Pilot / Geophysicist
Nic Alsop
Remote Pilot / Geophysicist
Stephen Kelly
Senior Geophysicist
Peteris Dzerins
Senior Geophysicist
Eric Takam
Luis Ramirez
Benedict Flannery
Geophysical Technician
JD Nichols
Shurjeel Ahmad
Sophie Williams
Office Manager

Case Studies

GBG has completed over 250 projects since its conception with multiple stakeholders and countless clients. GBG is proud to showcase some of these projects.
See all the latest projects.

Tailings First link and logo
Picture of Australian tailings dam

Tailings Management: Get in touch

Consider a 'Tailings First' approach for your facility and avoid creating a potentially catastrophic risk for the environment.
GBG combines industry-proven geophysical methods, geotechnical physical characterisation, hydrogeological modeling and assessment, and airborne methods for point-based data capture in assessing your requirements. Talk to us today for more information regarding this essential service for your tailings facility.

More information and brochure

Over 1000+ PROJECTS
Around Australia

There is a scientific solution for every project. Tell us what the aim is and we will work with you to get you what you need.

Contact Us Today

Enquire Now

We look forward to discussing your project with you, please complete the form below or contact one of our offices directly.

Please note: GBG Group is compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). To learn more about how we collect, keep, and process your private information in compliance with GDPR, please view our privacy policy. *